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Week 4 - Assignment Evaluating Training Initiatives

Week 4 - Assignment Evaluating Training Initiatives

Q For this task, you will choose one training initiative either from an article case study or from an organization with which you are familiar. Write an essay describing the impact of the initiative from a cultural perspective (organizational and cross-cultural), identifying the challenges faced. Include the following in your essay: • Justify the initiative by linking to organizational goals and business strategies. • Make recommendations for improvement that supports alignment with organizational goals. Length: 5-7 pages References: A minimum of 5 scholarly references required ?

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In this tremendous competitive business era, most of the companies prefer to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees for giving a tough competition to the competitor companies in a proper manner. In the paper, there will be an illustrated discussion on the training and development initiative of Starbucks, a famous coffee shop chain, which is famous globally.